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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Card Examination: Black & White's... Reshiram and Zekrom!

Reshiram (Reprinted)
Zekrom (Reprint)
Okay today's examination is two Pokemon cards: Reshiram and Zekrom  from Pokemon TCG: Black & White, going back to BW1, much like my Kyurem examination, Reshiram and Zekrom both have Outrage which can be a good combination with the Reuniclus from BLW (much like Kyurem) Bolt Strike for Zekrom can power up the Outrage attack and can anniolation many other Pokemon at the same time, although Bolt Strike is risky, use it at the right time and the right pace in game. Blue Flare is equally risky on Reshiram, as it sends 2 Fire Energy cards to the Discard, I'd say that you should use Prism Energies (NXD) to counter discarding too many Energies in a game, quickly change into say: Darkness energies, then you can keep them and change them back to Fire after your attack. In any case both cards are bulky with 130 HP and could be improved with Giant Capes (DREX)

Come back soon for more Pokemon news!

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