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Friday, 21 September 2012

Card Examinations: Next Destinies'... Kyurem EX and Mewtwo EX!

Okay so I didn't put up an examination yesterday because I wanted this to happen! Two in one today guys and gals! First, Kyurem EX, it isn't the best Pokemon-EX but it definately has it's strengths. It is a Basic Water-type and has the ability to get rid of Double Colorless Energies, now you can see why it can be bad for Mewtwo EX, which can use Double Colorless Energy to quickly get an attack damage of 40 on it's own which can swiftly knock out starting Pokemon, but Kyurem can stop this with the Frozen Wings attack, both cards are counterparted in the way that strategically, both have their first Attack to be stronger than their secondary Attack, In these ways you can see why they were made the mascosts of BW3 in Japan.
Good combos with both cards are Giant Cape or Skyarrow Bridge to lower retreat cost and highten HP.
Bye Guys come again soon

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